The First Pangs of Growing Pains

Now, I have to seriously consider preschool and all the good and bad that comes with it. I don’t even know where to begin.
I will say this, I almost cried when I took a look at the preschool I went to when I was a kid and saw their curriculum. It sure seems like so much for a little kid to take on. Isn’t pre-school supposed to be all about fun and not so much about being scheduled down to the minute? Times sure have changed!
The Preschool Curriculum
Two-Year-Old Program
- Language Arts – Language development and listening skills that include color words, shapes, animals, transportation, countries, community helpers, health, safety, manners, science
- Numbers – Simple counting 1-25, Number concepts 1-10.
Three-Year-Old Program
- Language Arts – Recognition of name, sound, and picture for short vowels and consonants. Formation of vowels and consonants in upper and lower case.
- Language development and listening skills that include color words, shapes, animals, transportation, countries, community helpers, health, safety, manners, and science.
- Numbers – Simple counting 1-30, Number concepts 1-15.
Four and Five Year Old Program
- Language Arts
- Phonics and Reading – Recognition of name, sound, and picture of long and short vowels and consonants. Sounding of blends and one- and two-vowel words
- Reading of sentences and stories with one- and two-vowel words
- Cursive Writing – Formation of letters, blends, and words, Writing of first name.
- Poetry – Twenty-eight poems, and fingerplays committed to memory.
Language – Language development and listening skills that include color words, shapes, animals, transportation, countries, community helpers, health, safety, manners, science. - Numbers – Number recognition and counting 1-100, Number concepts 1-20, Numbers before and after 1-20.
I’m blown away. Do they seriously expect my 4-year-old to memorize 28 poems?! It seems way over the top to me. Of course, this is just from their website so I have no idea what their approach is. Am I the only one that thinks this is this too much? I honestly don’t know. I don’t have any frame of reference so if you have any insight on this, please do share it with me!
I think I will be taking it much harder than they will when we finally do pick a pre-school and they head off for their first day.
Do You Have Parenting Growing Pains?
Am I making it a big deal? What do you think? How do you handle your mommy growing pains?
Update: See which preschool I picked!
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