Meet Terri of HD Carolina
We enjoy shining the spotlight on our NC Bloggers! In this edition of Meet the Members, we feature Terri of HD Carolina. HD Carolina is a place to find high-definition videos of fun and exciting things to see and do in the Carolinas. Read more about Terry and HD Carolina below and visit her site to find exciting places to travel within the Carolinas!
1. How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging since February 2016. I started with a vlog but then added a traditional blog shortly thereafter, now I do both.
2. Why did you start blogging?
I love to travel. After spending a number of years living overseas I came back to the United States and wanted to turn my local/domestic travel experiences into something I could share with others. I had a ROKU at the time and thought the platform was a unique opportunity to share the beauty of the Carolina’s with others. HD Carolina started out as a ROKU channel and is now available on additional platforms along with the website, that has a traditional blog as well as videos.
3. What do you blog about?
My elevator pitch is, “Fun and interesting things to see and do in the Carolina’s!” I blog about hikes, waterfalls, events, food, basically things of interest in North and South Carolina.
4. Where are you blogging from in NC?
I currently blog from the disputed birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, Bostic, NC. in Rutherford County.
5. Out of all the posts you’ve written, which one (or two) would you pick as your favorite?
My favorite blog article is “Eclipse Memories.” I thought the Eclipse would be amazing, but it turned out even better than I imagined. It was a very cool experience being in complete totality.
6. What blog(s) do you love?
I love many blogs. There are so many good ones out there. I use a lot of other North and South Carolina blogs to help find locations to explore. I also love and use it often as a resource.
7. What’s one piece of advice you’d offer your fellow bloggers?
Stick with it! This is a form of self-expression it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. This is cathartic but also contains information found interesting to others. Do it for you but share your experiences so that others can go out and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
8. What three things do you know to be true?
- God
- Death
- Taxes
9. Where can we find you on the web?
- Blog:
- Instagram: @hdcarolina
- Pinterest: @HD_Carolina
- Facebook: @HDCarolinaTV
- Twitter: @HDCarolinaTV
- YouTube: @HDCarolina
10. And finally, is there anything else you’d like to add that you want people to know about you?
In addition to the web presence mentioned above, you can find me on the HD Carolina Channel on the ROKU and Amazon Fire TV platforms.
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