Happy Friday, one and all! Let’s give a warm welcome to Linda from The Orange Bee. Get to know a little more about her below and be sure to swing by and say hello.
{Meet} Linda from The Orange Bee

Meet Linda from The Orange Bee
1. How long have you been blogging?
I began blogging in January of 2011.
2. Why did you start blogging?
I thought about blogging for about 6 months before I began. I knew I’d want to write about food but realized there are so many food bloggers in the blogaverse that I was intimidated. Then Christmas of 2010 my husband gifted me with all the necessary equipment to begin my beekeeping adventure. That is when I realized I had a platform that not only supported food (every 3 bites of food we eat is pollinated by a bee) but where I could spread the word about the importance of honey bees!
3. What do you blog about?
I write about food, recipes, kitchen tips, and beekeeping adventures. I am also an avid traveler and love to take food and wine tours – so when I have the opportunity I also blog about those tours. Every other Sunday I post my Oil & Honey Edition – these posts are about either the benefits and uses of honey or how to use essential oils in the kitchen or for health reasons.
4. Where are you blogging from in NC?
I live in Greensboro. My husband and I transferred here from Texas in 2013.
5. Out of all the posts you’ve written, which one (or two) would you pick as your favorite?
This is a hard one. I like many of my posts – the ones from the last couple of years are best because I upgraded my camera from a point and shoot to a Canon 70D. I’ll just direct you to these two and hope you find others you like as well! I like this post because I had such a fun time on this last tour of the trip. The wine is amazing, the food exceptional and the grounds gorgeous – plus – they have bees! I also like this post because I love sweets and these brownies are so yummy and easy.
6. What blogs do you love?
I like many and bounce all over the place reading food blogs, travel blogs, etc… Here are three I would like to share with you.
7. What’s one piece of advice you’d offer your fellow bloggers?
Don’t give up. Know where your place is in the blogging world. Do you want to pay your mortgage, keep a journal style blog or just do it for fun? Find where your passion fits into the blog world and stick with it! Write from your heart!
8. What’s are three things do you know to be true?
- Orange is my favorite color.
- Yoga is a wonderful tool to keep my body, mind and spirit in shape.
- What goes around – comes around!
9. Where can we find you on the web?
- Blog: theorangebee.com
- Facebook: @2TheOrangeBee
- Instagram: @theorangebee
- Twitter: @TheOrangeBee2
And finally, is there anything else you’d like to add that you want people to know about you – professional affiliations, any other place they can find you, etc.
I am available to teach cooking classes. Before moving to N.C. I taught cooking classes at Central Market (a specialty grocery store) in Texas. Since moving here I’ve taught a few classes at The Savory Spice Shop in Greensboro. I am also available to speak to any club or organization about the uses of spices, essential oils, and honey in the kitchen as well as for health benefits. You can contact me via my blog, email (linda*at*theorangebee.com) or on FB.
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