Are you ready to {Meet} Katie over at Mom Favorites? Pull up a chair, grab your favorite beverage, and take a moment to get to know Katie.
{Meet} Katie of Mom Favorites
1. How long have you been blogging?
I started blogging in April 2010. Originally, the blog was called New Mom Favorites, then changed to Charlotte Mom Favorites, and eventually just Mom Favorites.
2. What do you blog about?
Mom Favorites is a blog about favorite products, practical parenting, tasty recipes, and local hotspots across the South.
3. Where are you blogging from in NC?
Charlotte, NC.
4. Why did you start blogging?
I had started a playgroup in Charlotte in 2008 and was meeting so many fabulous moms and learning so much from them. I had a journalism degree and thought it would be fun to try blogging and share some of the wonderful things I was learning from my mom-friends.
5. Out of all the posts you’ve written, which one (or two) would you pick as your favorite?
- “Breast is Best” Mom Guilt – I love sharing posts that bring moms together and starts a conversation
- Back to School Style + Granola Bar Recipe – this was such a fun post to plan and style!
6. What blog(s) do you love?
Scary Mommy, The Bloggess, Damn Delicious
7. What’s one piece of advice you’d share with your fellow bloggers?
Being a blogger means you have to wear a lot of hats and continually learn new skills. Web developer, writer, photographer, stylist, social media expert – to name a few. Don’t be afraid to ask questions from those you think do something well, and try an online class or two. They’re not only great for learning something new, but it’s great networking too!
8. What are you looking forward to as a blogger in the upcoming months (conferences, big blog release, book release, publishing, community, redesign, new content, etc)?
In 2016 I’m looking to get back to more organic writing and sharing a lot more content that isn’t sponsored.
9. Where can we find you on the web? (You can click the links below to connect with Katie)
Website: Mom Favorites
- Facebook: Mom Favorites
- Twitter: Mom_Faves
- Google+: +MomFavorites
Instagram: @Mom-Faves
Pinterest: @MomFaves
And finally, is there anything else you’d like to add that you want people to know about you – professional affiliations, any other place they can find you, etc? Owner – B2K Media Marketing, Publisher – Mom Favorites, Founder – South Charlotte Playgroup
Now that you’ve met Katie, swing by and visit her at Mom Favorites and say hello! There’s plenty to check out on her website.
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