By Nourish and Nestle
@Nourish_Nestle | Nourish and Nestle
Ready to make some Pennsylvania Dutch Chocolate Cookies? Don’t miss these amazing cookies from Nourish and Nestle.
I have referenced my Grandma in several of my posts, here when I talked about her baking and here when I talked about our shared love of nice linens. We never lacked for incredible baked goods when I was growing up. In fact, I am really embarrassed to admit I was jealous of the kids at the school lunch table whose sandwiches were made with store-bought white bread, while I had to have my sandwiches made with her homemade bread! I guess I need to remind myself of this when I feel my children aren’t as grateful as they should be.
As much as we had baked goods year round, Grandma always bumped it up a notch during Christmas. It gives me immense joy that even though she hasn’t been with us for 30+ years, my children, who never had an opportunity to know her, refer to some of our recipes as ‘Grandma Stocker’s Pumpkin Pie’ or ‘Grandma Stocker’s Pennsylvania Dutch Cookies’.
I have binders of recipes that I collected in the pre-internet and pre-Pinterest days and this is one of the recipes included in this collection that begins with ‘Grandma Stocker’s’. Even though I really have many of my recipes stored on-line, I get so much joy from opening these binders and seeing these recipes and letting them take me back to so many lovely memories. One of my girlfriends has a notebook of family recipes that her mother gave to her on her wedding day. The recipes are handwritten in her mother’s hand. What an incredible gift and one I am determined to compile for both of my children when they embark on their own.
OK, let me get back to this cookie and why you will want to bake some. These Pennsylvania Dutch Chocolate Cookies are the magical combination of a chewy middle with a crunch exterior…sheer cookie bliss in my book. They are rich with chocolate, but have just a tad of cinnamon that adds a wonderful surprise to you taste buds. Are you sold yet?
Read the rest of this blog post and grab the delicious recipe over at Nourish and Nestle.
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