Happy 1st Birthday Blog O’ Mine! Today is your birthday. Today is our blogiversary together.
I remember when you were born, so fresh and new. I was so full of hopes and dreams for you. I’m proud to see how much you’ve grown and how you’re coming into your own. Remember when it was just me and you? You have so many friends now.
I remember your funky fashions and all the styles you tried before you became comfortable in your own skin. Oh, and how you scared me! I thought I’d almost lost you in the great blogger beta conversion of ’06 and then again more recently when you were pressuring me to upgrade your design.
As you grow I want you to always remember who you are and where you started. Don’t let those other blogs influence you or pressure you into becoming something you aren’t. You’re strong and smart and independent. You’re sassy, spunky and spirited. Though it is easy to get caught up in the popularity contests and blogrolls, remember it’s not about quantity it’s about quality. You’ve got character baby. That’s something to be proud of!
So Happy Birthday, Baby Blog, and Happy Blogiversary!
Gather round the table, grab some munchies, a piece of cake and some punch and read how it all began, all about the blog and the usual suspects mentioned on a regular basis. We’ll open presents later.
[…] blog just turned 7! I’ve been blogging officially for 7 years but I’ve had this website and domain since 1997 (a whopping 16 years!) and I’ve been […]