Way, way, back in 1997 I created DayngrZone as my little way of expressing myself; my place on the web to rant and rave. I was sick and tired of the Fortune 500 bigwigs telling me what I could and couldn’t say and force-feeding me their ideas of what my opinion should be. Now, here we years later and ranting and raving on the internet is the next hottest thing. I was cutting edge then and I’m cutting edge now. Some things never change. Speaking of change… I was reading some of those old blog posts on MS FrontPage’s Forum and had to laugh to myself. The die-hard posters, the friends, the fans, the freaks – and those who were just hoping for a chance to be the next flavor. They were all there. Ah, but where are they now? Some found a way to keep in touch, some faded away and some, well, let’s just say I’m glad they’re gone.
There are people I miss, friends I will never forget, and some I still hope to hear from. Somehow our busy lives have made us lose track of one another though I can’t imagine how since I’m everywhere as Dayngr, and Google rules the web! Nonetheless, here I am posting my very first blog post, on this new blog platform. Let’s see where it leads…
[…] round the table, grab some munchies, a piece of cake and some punch then read how it all began, all about the blog and the usual suspects mentioned on a regular basis. You can also read Baby […]