If you have been hanging around the blogging community for any amount of time, you have undoubtedly seen countless sponsored posts. They are on social media and blogs and come in all types. When you start thinking about the possibility of monetizing your blog in this way, it can seem kind of overwhelming. There are so many different ways to get opportunities for sponsored posts and so many different ways that you can do it, that it’s almost impossible to keep up with it all! I have had many of you email me asking questions about sponsored posts and there are honestly so many little things that go into the opportunities, that I thought it would be great to give you all a resource for those things! If you still have a few questions at the end of this post, feel free to leave them in the comments or email me! OR sign up for one of my blog consultations so we can talk about the best opportunities for your goals and your blog (and have a cup of coffee together for an hour)!
Here’s the rundown:
Work with media companies to get sponsored post opportunities –
There are a ton of these out there as well, so I will share some of my personal favorites with you. Most of them require you to apply and be accepted, but even if you are denied, you can apply time and time again until your blog is exactly what they are looking for.
- Linqia: Application required. The company chooses campaigns that they think will work well with your blog and social media following and then you are given the decision to accept or decline based on deadline, pay, and topic. For these campaigns, you get paid per click until you hit a “threshold” that is determined by the interaction within your “community.” The more clicks you get over your threshold, the higher it will be next time. *I would also like to note that it is completely against the ethics rules of Linqia to ask people to “click around” on your posts or your direct links. You are able to direct people to your posts, but not specifically ask people to click to help you make money. Also, the link above to sign up is an invite from me and is a referral link.
- Collective Bias/Social Fabric: Application required. These campaigns are called “shoppertunities” and you must apply for each one individually. You share your ideas on how to feature a specific product or service and then are chosen based on your ideas, your reach, etc.! You are paid a flat fee for your blog post and sharing on social media, which is something that I prefer. At the end of each campaign, you are evaluated by your campaign leader and they do track your analytics with a plug-in that is required to be installed before being chosen for any campaigns. Collective Bias is my favorite company to work with.
- Clever Girls Collective: Application required. These campaigns are usually some of the “cooler” opportunities, but I have been a member for about a year and have applied for at least 5-10 campaigns and have never been chosen. They also use an analytics plugin to determine how much money you are able to make off of a campaign (Your profile will say “You are eligible to apply for campaigns worth up to $___”) so if you are a smaller blog, that could also work against you. I’m not sure exactly what determines whether or not you get campaigns, but I have also heard from others that it takes a while to get chosen for opportunities!
- SITSgirls/Massive Sway: This is more of a community than a “media company,” but because they do offer opportunities for sponsored posts, I wanted to include them! I have found that their featured posts and forums are really helpful (and you can even find some forums about sponsored opportunities) and then you can apply for campaigns that are highlighted in their newsletters. If you are only interested in the sponsored opportunities, visit their sister site that focus on that, Massive Sway. They rely on Google Analytics stats (like many of these media companies do) and your stats do affect your probability of being chosen.
- Weave Made Media: Application required, but is meant for those blogs that are still building a following and growing. Weave is still a fairly new group, but branches off of Pollinate Media (see below), dealing with “smaller” bloggers that aren’t all that experienced with sponsored posts yet! They work in a similar way to a lot of the others I have mentioned, sending out a newsletter mentioning opportunities with links for you to go apply for each individual campaign. I have yet to work with one of their campaigns (I just haven’t applied to any out of interest/theme of my blog yet), but the reputation of Pollinate Media makes me really trust the quality of work that they will turn out and their service to the blogging community! If you are still in the process of growing and figuring out exactly where you want to head in the land of monetization, I would definitely apply to be a part of Weave Made. I think over the next year or so, they are really going to grow and become a really great opportunity for bloggers!
- Pollinate Media: Application required. Works through newsletters to let members know about opportunities and then you have to apply for each individual one. This group is one of the most respected on this list and I have loved working with them in the past. They usually have a wide array of opportunities, ranging from home goods to art supplies and food!
Read the rest of the post on Hayley’s blog…
About Hayley
Hayley blogs at A Beautiful Exchange, a place where she can write down what she thinks about faith, family, beauty, and all things blogging. Grab a cup of coffee and go visit her. It is beautiful there, indeed.
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