If you’re an old-timer around here, you’ve surely noticed that things have been a little different lately, and you might be wondering why.
Farewell Salesforce
At the very end of August, Salesforce laid off another 200 or more employees after another round of mergers and acquisitions. It wasn’t the first time this happened, so it doesn’t come as a complete surprise. My buddy, Eric Tung, wrote about that here and featured me along with several of my fellow former co-workers. It was great to see how valued and appreciated we all were by our community, industry, and even our competitors!
They say when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Or, you could take those lemons, set up a lemonade stand, and launch your own digital marketing boutique! That’s what I did.
Launching DayngrZone Media
I’ve loved my time at Salesforce – Radian6 – Marketing Cloud, but couldn’t wait to get back to being my own boss and running my own business. After the big news, I reached out to old clients and new prospects. A day later, I was back in business and setting up DayngrZone Media, my digital marketing, strategy and consulting business, in my new home state. It was a no-brainer to go back to consulting. That’s what I’d done prior to joining Radian6, and I was looking forward to helping local businesses with their digital marketing, right here in Eastern North Carolina.
I’ve joined the Chamber of Commerce, and have been attending local SCORE Business meetings. I’ve also co-founded East Coast NC and put all my content management and content strategy expertise to use there and I’ve started writing content for the site. Then I kicked my social media mojo up a notch and launched Social Media Club Crystal Coast (@SMCSOBX) and Geek Breakfast Crystal Coast (#GeekBreakfastSOBX). It’s been busy and exhausting at times, but exhilarating as well.
Always Evolving
This site’s look has been updated a few times, and will continue to evolve as I do, and as DayngrZone Media does. Naturally, I’ll be writing about social media, content marketing, and social networking. But, it’s my hope to continue to incorporate my life along North Carolina’s beautiful Crystal Coast into this site as well.
I’d Love Your Support
I hope you’ll support me in my journey from employee to entrepreneur (again) and subscribe to DayngrZone Media via your favorite RSS reader or by email using the subscription option on the sidebar. Join my Facebook page, and follow along with me at @Dayngr or @DayngrZoneMedia. Be sure to visit often. I welcome your comments and thoughts on the articles I write. I hope you’ll share the content you find useful here with people who may appreciate it, and I hope you’ll let me know what types of content you’re interested in reading and what subjects you’d like to learn more about. If you’d like to join me at Geek Breakfast Social Media Club (or even be a speaker) I’d encourage you to do so.
I’m excited to share this new adventure with you, and I’m looking forward to a prosperous 2014! Hope you are too!
Gwen says
Good luck Trish! I know you’ll rock it.
Trish Forant says
Thanks so much, Gwen! It’s been an adventure so far and I’m already keeping busy with local business.
Eric T. Tung says
Ya. Worst trip to Salesforce HQ ever. I know you’ll do awesome. Let me know how I can help!
FreckleFaceGirl says
☺☺You are such a rock star!!! ☺☺
Trish Forant says
Aw shucks! Thanks for such a sweet comment. What a great motivation and inspiration to kick off 2014!