As you spend time at the beginning of the year making a plan for your blog, which should include figuring out which conferences to attend, put Blogging Concentrated on your list.
I attended Blogging Concentrated in Asheville and, if you aren’t familiar, this is a one-day, 8-hour intensive workshop on blogging. And really being your own boss. Think of yourself as being the CEO of your blog.
This post is not a sponsored post (although the links below are affiliate links where possible).  But I had to weigh in and share my thoughts on this experience.
It was awesome.
About the Blogging Concentrated Conference
Things this conference is not: Fluff. How to set up your WordPress site. How to move your site away from Blogger. How to set up a blog.
Things this conference will help you with: Inspiration. How to really monetize your site. (Oh, hey, Google Adsense. You’re actually working for me now.) New ideas, strategies, planning, and tools.
Dan and Rachel (president and vice president of Blogging Concentrated) talked about making the most of your time. They had good points. Every minute I’m spending on my computer/doing projects/taking photos/all the things blogging entails is a minute (or 60) away from my family and real life. I need to make sure every second counts.
I learned of new tools I could use in the blog world. And I kind of want to write an e-book one day. I don’t know what my topic would be and a year ago I had no desire to write an e-book, but now? I want to do it.
Kelby Carr (a real-life friend of mine, not just a pocket friend) spoke about getting Type-A Parent off the ground, and reigning things in. I always enjoy listening to her and I’m excited for how far she has taken the Type-A Conference.
I met several other bloggers from the southeast and it was exciting to be around people who “get it.” We didn’t blog about the same topics, but we all respect what the others do. I may have been surrounded by people who get FAR more traffic on their sites daily than I see in a month, but they didn’t make me feel less than adequate.
Since I finished Saturday, I’ve been inspired to do more in a strategic sense. I still want this to be my space, but I have to think smarter. In that thinking smarter I want to continue learning, so I signed up for BC Prime, which will hopefully keep me thinking and learning every month of the year. (BC Prime also allows you to receive discounts on things like their SEO Challenge, plugins and more.)
I highly encourage you to check out their events. If there is one in a city near you (and they are constantly traveling!) invest the money and the time. It’s well worth your time.
The NCBN is bringing Blogging Concentrated to Raleigh and Charlotte in March 2015. Members get huge savings! Â Read more about Blogging Concentrated and how to register…
By Jaime
Jaime is a 30-something-year-old living in Asheville, NC with her husband, toddler boy, and cat. She is a girl of many trades and covers it all on her lifestyle blog. She runs, crafts, sews and so much more and covers all those topics, and more on her website.  Occasionally, Chloe, the wonder cat makes an appearance on the site. She’s been kind of missing in action since the arrival of a baby in 2011. Follow along with Jaime and her adventures in Asheville, NC!
igster101 says
Cannot wait! This will be my first ever “con” of any type.
Allison Barrett Carter says
That is so great! You picked a good one! Can’t wait to meet you.