A Tech Diva Spotlights eMail Our Military
I have some very close friends in Iraq now… and even if i didn’t, I’m sure I know someone else who has friends or loved ones there. Whether or not we agree with the gov’ts decision to have our troops there really isn’t the point. The point IS that they ARE there, and we SHOULD support them.
My good friend, Paul Chambers, has been stationed at Camp Liberty in the Victory Base Complex near Baghdad since October. In his second tour of duty in Iraq, Paul has worked with a U.S. Army Civil Affairs battalion to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people. He currently works as a project purchasing officer with the Third Civil Affairs Battalion of the Third Infantry Division, handling contracts between humanitarian organizations and Iraqi national companies.
She also said in her blog post titled: eMail Our Military: Support Our Troops
I meet the most incredible people on Twitter! The other day, I got into a conversation with @Dayngr, who also makes posts under @MailOurMilitary, and she shared some information about http://www.emailourmilitary.com/ that I think should not only be shared but publicized as much as possible.
Courtesy of @Dayngr:
eMail Our Military’s gearing up for another great support project for our troops, this time for Mother’s Day. Since our troops are serving across the globe, I thought this would be a great way to help them connect with their moms back home in a really sweet, personal and fun way.
Our troops can write a note or make a simple card for mom and then snap a pic of it with their digital camera or mobile phone. Then just upload it to Qipit.com where it will be turned into a crisp, clear .PDF for sharing with mom.
What I think is so cool about this is that it’s free, and it cleans up the text so it doesn’t look like a camera phone shot – Best of all it’s an immediate way to send a personal note with a whole lot of love across the world.
This would also be a great way for kids who are separated from their military moms to say Happy Mother’s Day with a homemade card right to mom’s email address without the need for a scanner, etc.
I think it’s a pretty neat little project and we’re really excited about sharing it with our military and those who support them.
You can read the full story on her blog: A Tech Diva, and while you’re there, be sure to thank her for helping to support our troops.
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