Why I Use Twitter
One of my fellow local bloggers recently deleted his Twitter account. One of the reasons he stated was that he could never really get past the feeling that Twitter was like a chat room circa 1998. Only less advanced. Someone else replied that you can update through your phone or IM; they didn’t see how Twitter differed from a chat room. Much like life, Twitter is what you make it, and your experience is unique to you.
Stay Connected
Twitter has helped connect me with like-minded people and allowed me to grow my business and reach out to more people than I did the year before. I’ve made friends through Twitter, helped several causes I believed in, and become a savvy social networker. Twitter has made me an even bigger believer in New Media.
Twitter instantly lets me get updates from hundreds of people as they work, commute, and hang out. I’ve even used Twitter to send instant alerts about breaking news.
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The Power of Social Media
Yesterday, South Florida experienced a major brownout that was televised nationally. Some of my local Twitter friends lost power, but their PDAs, Blackberries, and iPhones remained connected. They had no idea what was going on, even after calling FPL. Since I wasn’t affected by the outage and was watching the news, I began to tweet the information as I received it. For many, this was their only access to immediate information as it was unfolding. I can’t begin to tell you how many people were thankful. Local blogger and my new Twitter friend, Ines, put this up on her blog – Miamism:
Major Power Outage in Miami
by: ines on February 26, 2008
19:46:29As I was multi-tasking today, doing the miami real estate thing and ready to go into a webinar while entering new listings to our website, my computer screen went black and realized we had lost power. I went outside to see if there was an FPL truck working around my house, then called FPL directly to report the power outage and they told me they would check into it.
Of course things like this happen when you are the busiest. I totally panicked except for my iphone and twitter. Twitter is a social network that worked as an emergency message board for me today and I am so thankful. While I felt totally disconnected from the world, a couple of “Miami twitter friends” were able to get me up to date with The Major Power Outage in Miami with live, to-the-minute news!
I’m writing this to thank my on-line friends Dayngr and MailOurMilitary for helping out. It’s great to see that there are helpful on-line Miami resources out there, people that are willing to give out a helping hand. Glad to have our power back and thanks guys for helping me stay sane!
Twitter is one of the many tools you can use to make your time online work. Whether that means business, pleasure, or a little of both – well, that’s totally up to you!
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