I’ve been participating in Blog Clarity’s Periscope with Purpose Challenge this October. Melissa Culbertson, the awesome blogging pro behind Blog Clarity, is a fellow North Carolina Blogger Network Member. This is my first month ever using Periscope. I will admit that it does take a little while to get used to it because it’s not live TV where you just talk, but it’s also a tool to communicate with your online audience at the same time. Viewers can interact with you by giving you hearts, and comment as you talk. You have to really put yourself out there, be willing to be real with your audience, make mistakes, and just keep on going. When I’m on Periscope in my home office, I always turn off my location for safety reasons, and it does reduce the number of random/non-followers in your scopes.
The Periscope Challenge
Our challenge over the weekend was to reveal what motivates us in some way. I chose the topic of what motivates me to continue blogging and my reason may surprise you. Check out the video below. It’s a quick video and is less than 3 minutes which I think it an ideal time length with a scope for replay viewers. However, if you have people interacting you in scopes then they can get long-winded because it’s just fun to talk, or at least I think so. I do plan to host a weekly chat with my readers/viewers and I’ve got to decide the best time to host that. Any suggestions?
{Read the rest of this article on Leigh’s site. While you’re there, let her know what motivates you to keep blogging and when you think she should host her weekly chat.}
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