Have you heard of the latest social networking platform, Anchor? The Anchor Audio app allows you to record and share 2 minute sound bites, which they call waves. It’s very easy to use, you just hit the record button and start talking. It’s so easy I thought I’d share 5 ways bloggers can use Anchor for audio.
There’s a lot of excitement around the app because of the way Anchor makes it super simple for anyone to create and record short audio clips, and then share them via a Tweet or a Facebook update. Just like on other social networks, you can follow along with people on the app, and people can follow you. What makes Anchor so much fun is that people reply with their own recorded voices and it creates a conversation. It’s really interesting!
Don’t just take my word for it! Listen to my first wave on the Anchor Audio App: 5 Ways Bloggers Can Use Anchor for Audio
Start Using Anchor
Your homework this weekend is to jump on Anchor and start recording your own waves! Be sure to connect with me and feel free to get your feet wet by replying to some of my waves. It’s a nice way to ease into the app because we’re just chatting and having a good time.
Anchor is free for iOS users and you can download it from the app store. But, they’re already working on versions for Android and the Web to debut later this year.
Snack-sized content is on the rise, I’m seeing this with the popularity of Vine and Snapchat. People love the ability to respond in real-time. I’m also seeing this with Periscope, Twitter, and Facebook Live. Following those trends, Anchor is set to really take off for audio content.
So how can you use it to your advantage? For starters, jump in on the ground floor now before everyone else joins. But, here are a few more ways bloggers can use Anchor.
Here Are 5 Ways Bloggers Can Use Anchor for Audio
1. Create Teasers
Once your blog post is up, head over to Anchor and record a 2-minute teaser about your post. Then, invite everyone over to read the rest. Be sure to drop the link to your post (I’d suggest keeping the link short by using bit.ly) in the caption and enjoy!
2. Ask Questions
Asking questions is a great way to generate crowd-sourced content for your website. You can ask a question and then later embed your wave, and the replies you receive, into a blog post. You can also use it for general content ideas. The answers you receive could inspire some great content you may not have otherwise considered.
3. Encourage Conversations
I always try to end my blog posts by asking a question to keep the conversation going. Anchor is the perfect social network for creating conversations, because once you share your waves, (add hashtags to make them more discoverable!) they become public, and searchable within the app. You’ll find yourself getting replies, and you’ll be inspired to reply as well. Since it’s all happening in real-time, it’s very easy for conversations to grow and include multiple participants. Plus, you can share your waves on Twitter and Facebook and pull even more people into a conversation.
4. Broaden Your Horizons and Build Relationships
Participate in popular topics. You can search Anchor for what’s trending and what hashtags are popular. Jump in on those conversations and share your thoughts. You’ll meet new people and have a great time making new friends. I love that Anchor is full of international users. I’m following people from the UK, Scotland, Japan, Australia, and more!
5. Share Your Knowledge, Be Helpful
As a blogger, you probably blog about a specific topic (business, parenting, fashion) or a select few across a particular theme (recipes, food, restaurants) so you’re in the know about your topic of choice. Why not go ahead and share some of what you’ve learned about your niche and help others. Share tips and offer your advice and opinion. What you know could help someone else just starting out, or help someone who’s been stuck in a rut.
In closing, however you choose to use the Anchor Audio App, is entirely up to you.
Are you using Anchor yet? If not, what’s holding you back? If you are, how are you using Anchor? What would you add to this list? I’d love to hear from you! Add your thoughts in the comments below or join me on Anchor and kick off the conversation there!
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