1. Introduce yourself
2. Include information about you like: age, state, hobbies and interests
3. Consider including a photo of yourself and/or family (In good taste)
4. Provide your contact information if you would like replies
5. Keep your correspondence upbeat
6. Let them know you would love to hear from them
7. Ask about your service member’s hobbies, interests, favorites, family, etc.
8. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope
9. Send one card or letter every week
10. Don’t send anything sexually explicit*
We recommend that you do NOT wait for a reply before sending your next letter. Postal deliveries do not happen daily, they are usually weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly. U.S. Mail, at times, takes an average 2 -3 weeks to arrive at its destination.
To ensure that we can keep in touch with these service members at all times, enclose a note or a 3 x 5 index card inside any care packages you may send with the following information: “Please send all address changes and requests to eMail Our Military, 8004 NW 154 Street, Suite 344, Miami Lakes, FL. 33016
*As per the FAQs & Guidelines listed in the member section of our website. Failure to comply with the Terms & Conditions, Code of Ethics or FAQ Guidelines on our site may result in suspension of membership or immediate removal from eMail Our Military.
You can see all of our “Tips and Suggestions” for supporting our military by selecting the “Support Tips” category on our side bar.
eMail our Military, and it’s division Mail Our Military, provide a safe way for people to continue the tradition of “Any Service Member” mail – with a much more personal touch. It’s an opportunity to let America’s military know how much you appreciate what they do on your behalf 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
To Learn More About the eMOM Campaign, please visit: on the web.
To get involved in a support project today visit the eMail Our Military Project’s Page.
Your cooperation and patriotism is what is makes our campaign a success! Once again, we look forward to your participation.
Warmest Regards,
The eMail Our Military Team
[ Tags: Military Support, Messages of Support, Troop Support, Moral Support, eMail The Military, eMailing Our Military, Mail Our Military, Mailing Our Military, Mailing The Military, Military Care Packages, Military eMail, Military Pen Pals, Armed Forces, Army, Soldiers, Navy, Sailors, Air Force, Airmen, Marine Corps, Marines, Coast Guard, Guardsmen, Patriotism, eMOM, eMail Our Military ]
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