Meet Nichole of Butterscotch Sundae
It’s that time again! Time for me to introduce you to Nichole of Butterscotch Sundae. She’s been writing on the Internet since the 2000s. Since she loves cooking she often writes about her adventures in the kitchen! She’s also a homeschooling mother to her two children. Make sure to welcome her today on the blog!
Meet Nichole of Butterscotch Sundae
1. How long have you been blogging?
I started blogging in October 2005, a few months after my daughter was born.
2. Why did you start blogging?
We lived hundreds of miles away from any family members, and everyone wanted to see pictures of the baby.
3. What do you blog about?
If I’m feeling fancy I call it a “family memoir site.” I write about what we’re up to or whatever strikes my fancy. Lately it’s been a lot of art projects, homeschooling and menu plans.
4. Where are you blogging from in NC?
Western NC
5. Out of all the posts you’ve written, which one (or two) would you pick as your favorite?
Oh, gracious, this is a tough one. I’ve written a *lot* of posts over the past decade. Here are a few I like over the last few years: “So I’ve Been Camping in the Basement“, “The Fulfillment of a Dream I Didn’t Even Know I Had“, and “Fun Places to Visit in Philadelphia with Your Kids“.
6. What blog(s) do you love?
Angela at Fluid Pudding inspired me to start blogging and she is still my favorite.
7. What’s one piece of advice you’d offer your fellow bloggers?
I have had zero book deals, I’ve never been invited to blog about a car or a luxurious resort, and I barely make enough money to cover my hosting fees in a year. So I don’t know that I’m in a position to offer advice about being a “successful” blogger. But I *have* been blogging for a million years, in internet time, so I can tell you that if you’d like your blog to be long-lasting you should write about something that truly interests you.
8. What’s are three things do you know to be true?
- There’s never a bad time for chocolate
- My cat is the finest feline on the planet
- …And I have laundry to fold. (That last one will be true 24/7 for eternity.)
9. Where can we find you on the web?
- Website:
- Facebook: ButterscotchSundae
- Twitter: @Nicholee
- Instagram: @nicholebuterscotch
- Pinterest: @nich0le
Be sure to swing by and say hello to Nichole of Butterscotch Sundae, and leave her a little comment love!
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