Written by Melanie East
It Happens In a Blink
Have you ever wished that you could travel back in time? Do you often think that you were born in the wrong time period? If so, then you would have had a blast with my family this past weekend at the Carolina Renaissance Festival! My husband claims that the renaissance period is his second choice of time periods (the old west is his first), and he has been wanting to visit the Renaissance Festival for some time now. My daughter, who wishes she could have been a “real live princess,” loves the renaissance time period without knowing what it was called. I just like the clothes. But, either way, we were able to take a little bit of a car ride and hop back in time at the mesmerizing Carolina Renaissance Festival!
If you live anywhere near the Carolinas and have wondered if the festival is worth the drive and the cost of tickets, I vouch that it is! My husband, daughter, a family friend, and I traveled to Huntersville, North Carolina, where we joined the masses in celebrating and educating ourselves in all that is renaissance!
First off, I’ll mention what you all REALLY want to know about- the FOOD! From huge turkey legs to bread bowls, there is something for every taste. The four of us decided to each get a different dish so that we could taste a variety, and we all finished our meals completely. Delicious!
Read the rest of the Carolina Renaissance Festival Highlights and see more photos from the event on Melanie’s website It Happens In a Blink.
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