by Molly
Still Being Molly
So, if you’re using a self-hosted blog, you know by now about plugins. There are THOUSANDS of plugins out there – I’m still trying to figure out which ones are worth a lick and which ones aren’t.
I have over 30 plugins (too much? probably…) installed on the back end of this here blog. But, there are three that are my absolute MUST HAVES for making my blogging life just a little quicker and easier.
This plugin is the JAM if you like to have a lot of images in your blog posts. So, fashion bloggers, photographers, art bloggers, food bloggers, DIY bloggers…. really any blogger that likes to have multiple photos in their blog posts can benefit from this plugin.
Basically, it’s a plugin that allows you to batch upload the images you want in your post, you can batch rename them, and then BATCH INSERT THEM!! No more inserting images one by one!!
I save SERIOUSLY so much time doing my blog posts by using this plugin. It’s SUPER easy to use.
Continue on over to Molly’s blog Still Being Molly to read the rest of her blogging tips!
About Molly
In case you’re wondering, I write about fashion and beauty stuffs, I share some of my favorite recipes, DIY and crafting ideas, home decor inspiration, and I even write about MONEY. Yes, money… how to save it, spend it, get out of debt, and more. But most of all, I love writing about and sharing little personal glimpses of my life. I also will probably post a lot of pictures of my cute kid. You’ve been warned.
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