Become a signature superstar today! All you need to do is create a custom auto-signature for your emails that states “I’m a proud troop supporter through” Of course, this is just one idea – be creative and let us know what signatures you’re using. Your auto-signature might even inspire someone else!
Remember, not everyone knows that they can support our troops through eMail Our Military. Your auto-signature isn’t just a badge of honor but a helpful way to help us spread the word to support our troops.
Even if you’re not a registered eMail Our Military member, you can get a list of campaigns and projects you can participate in on the Project page on our website. eMail Our Military Members, be sure to visit the Campaign page in the members’ only section of our website.
[ Tags: Signature Superstar, eMOM Campaigns and Projects, Military Support, Messages of Support, Troop Support, Moral Support, eMail The Military, eMailing Our Military, Mail Our Military, Mailing Our Military, Mailing The Military, Military Care Packages, Military eMail, Military Pen Pals, Armed Forces, Army, Soldeirs, Navy, Sailors, Air Force, Airmen, Marine Corps, Marines, Coast Guard, Guardsmen, Patriotism, eMOM, eMail Our Military ]
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