How To Put The YOU In YouTube In 9 Steps
When it comes to our websites, I know every blogger takes a lot of time to have their site be a direct reflection of who they are. After all, our sites are usually the first impressions someone gets of us as a writer and even as a brand. Yet, did you know there is a way to extend your site even further? YouTube is an often forgotten and neglected tool, but I want to show you how to put the YOU in YoTube in 9 steps. That’s right you can personalize your presence in this fast-growing area of Social Media in 9 steps.
1. Name Your Channel
Of course the very first step is creating and naming your channel. When you select a name for your YouTube Channel, be sure you are consistent. Having your brand recognizable and known across all of your social media relies strongly on making it easy to find. Also, we all know that as a standard your YouTube URL is assigned that series of numbers but changing that to a Custom URL will not only make it easier for sharing and viewers to recognize and connect with your site but Changing your URL from the numbers to your name is easy:
- From your YouTube Channel, Go To Advanced Settings
- Go To Channel Settings and select Create Custom URL
- This is where you can select your name
Try to select a name that is either the same as your site or as close to it as possible. For example, although MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter was too long for YouTube, I was able to secure TeeLoveLifeLaughter, which makes my YouTube URL instead of a bunch of hard-to-remember numbers.
2. Create Channel Art
Once you have your name created you want to make your Channel look like you. You can either use the same header as you have for your website, which will carry over the consistency I talk about, or you can use your Channel Art area to give your viewers a visual summary of you and your Channel. Even if you don’t use your exact site header, try to include a few images from your site, whether it be a badge, profile image, or even the font, so that readers coming from your site can instantly recognize it as part of the same identity. How To Change Your Channel Art:
- Login to your Channel
- Hover over the right corner of your current art until the edit icon appears, and click it
- You can upload an image using a still frame of a current video
- YouTube offers a Template for the sizes you need for PC, Phone, and even TV
- You can use the Template to create images in a photo editor such as PicMonkey
YouTube will automatically place your Google+ Profile Image to the upper left-hand corner, but the rest of the Channel Art is your’s to customize. I include a small version of my site header, a few of my Playlist Topics, and what I will cover on My Channel. I also used the space to include a prompt to Follow Me on 3 of my main Social Media Networks.
Read the rest of the article on The Mrs. Tee website.
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About Tiffany
Tiffany Haywood is a lifestyle blogger who shares her love of all things faith, family, fashion, food, and fun on her website The Mrs. Tee.
LaShawn says
These are great tips! I’ve been meaning to take the time to restart my You tube channel and this is great info! Thanks for sharing!
Allison Barrett Carter says
Do it LaShawn! I was so hesitant to start Blogging411 all those many, many months ago but now I look forward to it. It is crazy the amount of traffic we get from our YouTube channel!
Emerald says
Thank you for the tips! I’ve been trying to start my own Youtube channel for months now.
Allison Barrett Carter says
You can do it, Emerald, with Mrs Tee’s amazing tips! We look forward to watching your journey there!
Ricci says
I have a YouTube channel but I don’t so much with it…I need to remedy that ASAP!! Thanks for all the helpful tips!!
Allison Barrett Carter says
Yes, Ricci, you can do it! YouTube is such an amazing source of search engine traffic now. It is amazing and as a blogger we should all be using this. Go for it and we look forward to watching your channel!
Ginger says
I don’t use You Tube much, but these look like great tips. Maybe I should try it more often. I didn’t know about the NC Blogger Network. I live just south of Raleigh and would love to connect.
Allison Barrett Carter says
Ginger- we would love to connect with you! We are gearing up for some amazing Triangle based events so stay tuned and make sure you are on our email list. I will find you on Twitter to make sure we see each other there. Thanks for stopping by!
FabEllis says
Great list! It’s easier for me to write blog posts, but I’ve found that YouTube is an awesome tool to use.
Allison Barrett Carter says
FabEllis- I am one of those bloggers that finds writing way easier, more efficient, and quicker than vlogging. I think we are two peas in a pod!
Katherine G says
These are some great tips. I will definitely be using them. I want to broaden my social media presence.
Allison Barrett Carter says
We have all kinds of tips for you, Katherine! Stay tuned! :)
Stephanie Pass says
Great info! I’m definitely wanting to move to some vlogging for my some of my tutorials.
Allison Barrett Carter says
Tutorials are GREAT pieces for vlogging. Can’t wait to watch (& learn). Thanks for stopping by.