Happy Ending for Veteran Whose Flag Was Torched
Earlier today, we rallied our online community alongside the incredible support of influencers such as @MichelleMalkin, @DeltaWhiskey1, @Military_Mom, and many others after learning from @BriskUSMC that 70-year-old Dallas veteran Ed Jordan had both his Marine Corps and American flags burned outside his home. It was an incident that deeply upset the veteran community and sparked immediate action to restore what was taken from this former Marine.
The story, which was initially aired on NBC5 in Dallas/Ft. Worth quickly went viral. As it spread across social media, particularly on Twitter, people were eager to step in and offer help. A groundswell of support grew as the news reached thousands of users who were touched by Mr. Jordan’s story. Many individuals were compelled to take action, determined to make sure that this veteran, who had served his country, would not be without the flags he cherished so dearly.
One of the first people to jump into action was Shellie Ross, known online as @Military_Mom. Without hesitation, Shellie contacted a local flag company and ordered two replacement flags—an American flag and a Marine Corps flag—for Mr. Jordan. She didn’t stop there; Shellie took the extra step to contact NBC5 to ensure they knew the veteran would soon receive new flags. Meanwhile, @DeltaWhiskey1 was also hard at work, contacting another flag company to ensure Mr. Jordan had the flags he needed.
Behind the scenes at eMOM, we contacted NBC5 reporter Ellen Goldberg, who initially ran the story. Though we didn’t hear back from Ms. Goldberg directly, we were undeterred and managed to get in touch with Mr. Jordan ourselves. When we spoke with him to share the overwhelming support he received online, Mr. Jordan was amazed. The kindness of strangers and fellow veterans across the country had touched his heart.
Mr. Jordan, who served three years in the Marine Corps and six years in the Marine Corps Reserves, shared with us a remarkable story: A fellow veteran from a nearby town heard about his situation and personally delivered an American flag that had flown over Mosul, Iraq. What an incredible and honorable gesture. Mr. Jordan was moved by this act of camaraderie and planned to display the flag proudly in front of his home as a testament to his service and the service of those who continue to protect our freedoms.
But the support didn’t stop there. We let Mr. Jordan know we wanted him to have a backup plan, just in case. Thanks to @AmericanFlag and The United States Flag Store, arrangements were made to send him replacement flags, including a new Marine Corps flag to honor his time in the service. He was overjoyed when Mr. Jordan learned that his beloved Marine Corps flag would be replaced.
This story has a genuinely heartwarming ending, and it’s all thanks to the incredible people who stepped up to help when one of our own needed it the most. We couldn’t have done it without the community’s collective efforts and the power of social media to bring attention to important causes. Mr. Jordan’s story is a testament to the spirit of giving, the strength of the veteran community, and the power of kindness.
Acts of kindness, no matter how small, can profoundly impact someone’s life. Let Mr. Jordan’s story inspire us to continue supporting our veterans and service members. Every action counts, whether through gestures like replacing a flag or simply spreading the word. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey, and let’s continue to stand strong for those who’ve stood for us.
Thank you to everyone who made this possible. When we come together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who have given so much to protect our freedom.
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If this story moved you and you’re looking for a way to get involved, consider joining one of our many eMOM projects. Whether donating flags to veterans, participating in a letter-writing campaign, or sending care packages, there’s always an opportunity to support our troops and veterans. Sign up with eMOM today and be part of a community that stands ready to serve those who have served us.
–Similar call to action story – PFC Levine and the Power of the eMOM Community
*Note: @DeltaWhiskey1 contacted “The Flag Company” in Dallas who allegedly was unwilling to donate a flag or even take donations from citizens to help this veteran out.
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