Tatango, the Seattle-based SMS service firm, has partnered with Miami-based eMail Our Military (eMOM) to connect deployed military service members with their loved ones back home through text messaging.
Tatango has created an interface exclusively for military personnel, which easily allows any service member to instantly update all their loved ones on events of the day, advancements and most importantly, their safety.
“We’re extremely excited about this partnership, as it allows us to do our part in supporting the troops who have been deployed overseas,” says Derek Johnson, CEO of Tatango. “By working closely with Trish and her team at eMail Our Military, we were able to modify our current website to accommodate the needs of military service members without access to a mobile phone.”
Prior to the Tatango and eMOM partnership, there were limited ways for military personnel to simply and effectively connect with friends and family in the United States while overseas. Now, with one message directly from a computer, all loved ones on their contact group will be updated at the same time via a text message. Not only can service members send a message to everyone’s mobile phone, they will also receive immediate gratification, as replies to the text message are routed directly to their account for viewing.
“Our mission at eMail Our Military has always been to improve the lives of our troops,” says Trish Forant, president of eMOM. “Our partnership with Tatango has created another innovative way for us to further our organization’s mission, as well as providing peace of mind for our service members and their families.”
Military service members can create a free Tatango account with a valid military email address at http://tatango.com/partners/military
Watch the Video Announcement
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About Tatango
Tatango, Inc., was founded in 2007 to connect groups through text messaging. Available for any mobile phone, Tatango makes group text messaging simple, free and efficient. Tatango is funded by the Bellingham Angel Group, with headquarters just outside of Seattle, WA. For more information, visit http://www.tatango.com/.
About eMail Our Military
eMail Our Military is a charitable organization supporting U.S. troops through morale boosting email correspondence, letters and care packages. Troop supporters can take part in a number of projects ranging from sending eMail to a service member on a one-on-one basis to year round support projects. eMail Our Military was created in 2001 as a response to the DoD’s cancellation of the “Any Service Member” and “Operation Dear Abby” mail programs. As a safe alternative, eMOM picked up where these programs left off. You can learn more about eMail Our Military, on our website at: http://www.emailourmilitary.com/.
You can read and download the press release and files at:
[ Tags: eMOM, eMailOurMilitary, Military Support, Troop Support, Supporting Our Troops, Messages of Support, Moral Support, eMail The Military, eMailing Our Military, Mail Our Military, Mailing Our Military, Mailing The Military, Military Care Packages, Military eMail, Military Pen Pals, Armed Forces, Army, Soldiers, Navy, Sailors, Air Force, Airmen, Marine Corps, Marines, Coast Guard, Coasties, National Guard, Guardsmen, Patriotism, Any Service Member Mail, eMail Our Military Blog, Honor Courage eMail, Tatango, SMS, Texting, Group Text Messaging, Text Messaging, Text Messaging Our Troops ]
Tishia says
Wow! What an awesome idea! This is a really great thing.
Jeanne Breault says
Kudos to you and Tatango!
What a wonderful treat for the men and women keeping us safe, and for their family and friends!
You are amazing!
CorinneR. says
I think this is a great partnering! I hope this program gets used to it’s fullest! Thank you guys again for looking our for our men and women serving our country and freedom!
eMOM says
Thanks to all! I think more and more companies are going to start realizing that they can custom tailor the services they already provide to make them work for our troops.
All it takes is an open mind.
Please feel free to share this on your own website and or blog.
Anonymous says
Wow, what a fabulous partnership and one that makes it a whole lot easier on soldiers and families.
BlackJack | eMail Our Military says
This is the perfect partnership to benefit our troops. Way to go guys. Keep up the good work.
Daisy says
What a great way to help, the more ways we can communicate!
Thanks so much for all the awesome work, me and my Marine thank you from the bottom of our hearts and hope you can keep it up. We try to pitch in and help where we can!
eMOM says
We’re happy to help in any way we can so don’t hesitate to let us know if there is some way we can help to support your Marine and his unit!
Anonymous says
I met the people behind this blog at Blogworld Expo in Las Vegas a couple days ago.
This Saturday I will be mentioning several blogs including this one and Soldiers Angels among others.
My political blog is overwhelmingly pro military, and it has been my honor to meet the guys from Vets For Freedom, as well as correspond with those serving overseas.
I am the son of a military man, and I thank God for each and every one of you serving.
I will let all my friends know about this site.
eric aka the Tygrrrr Express
Anonymous says
Hey everyone, my name is Derek Johnson and I’m the CEO of Tatango. I’m so excited to see the positive response on this blog. If anyone has any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact me, djohnson(at)tatango.com.
eMOM says
Thanks so much for stopping by. So glad we had the opportunity to meet @ BWE and thanks in advance for the mention. We appreciate it and know our troops do too.
Anonymous says
Hi, I have seen your blog and it is very interesting, also on my blog I write some military life where I also work being civil.I/you/they have also been me in Iraq.If you want to come to find me the address web è:http://blog.free.it / latuastella / I wait you.Annamaria
Anonymous says
glad you guys did this collaboration.
tatango is great! you users may also be interested in: http://www.vingtalk.com/cpp