Without further ado, please welcome Dave Huston to the eMail Our Military Team. We believe Dave brings alot to the team and has a great attitude and willingness to learn.
We’d love for you to learn a little about Dave and get to know him like we do. We sat down with Dave recently and here’s what he had to say:
eMOM: Can you tell us a little about yourself and what experience you bring to the Public Relations / New Media intern position?
Dave: I’m a twenty-nine year-old Wisconsin transplant, originally from Mississippi. I possess a Bachelor of Science degree for Game Design and Development and as odd as it may seem, I feel I can bring a lot of my experiences from that over to help eMOM. Game design is such an all-encompassing field that it’s hard to find an aspect that isn’t useful. I’ve had my hands in everything from graphic design to documentation, from working with clients to programming, and from 3d modeling to marketing. More than that, I believe in eMOM’s cause and I’m excited to have the opportunity to contribute in any way I can.
eMOM: Do you have any ties to the military? (such as friends or family members serving or have you served yourself?)
Dave: I do not.
eMOM: What social networks are you on and how can people find you to connect with you?
Dave: I’m on just about every social network out there and if you send me an invite to a new one, I’m sure to sign up on it. My favorites are Twitter (twitter.com/davehuston) and Facebook (profile.to/davehuston). I almost always use the username davehuston, so feel free to add me on any of the others and contact me if you can’t find me.
eMOM: Are you a podcaster / blogger? Where can people read more about what you’re up to? (include your blog and podcast links if you like)
Dave: I’ve maintained a personal blog for nearly a decade now via LiveJournal. More recently, I’ve built a simple site to host my blog and my podcasting ventures. You can find it at web.me.com/davehuston. I’ve been getting into the multimedia aspect of the Internet more lately. For a while there, I hosted a daily gaming news podcast. It proved very educational for me in the areas of recording, editing, producing, and advertising a podcast. You can find the old episodes on TalkShoe.com under the show name G4M3R Daily.
eMOM: What area of the country are you in?
Dave: I’m based in the western Wisconsin/St. Paul/Minneapolis area.
eMOM: What motivated you to apply for the Public Relations / New Media intern position?
Dave: I’ve followed eMOM founder, @Dayngr, and eMOM’s account, @MailOurMilitary, on Twitter for quite a while now and have always been interested in the work that was being done. When Trish posted that they were looking for an intern, I decided to go for it and do my part.
eMOM: What would you like to learn during your time at eMail Our Military?
Dave: Mostly, I’d like to meet all the wonderful people out there who care about our country and our troops. I’m also interested in learning more about social media and how a charitable organization is managed.
eMOM: Are there any areas of social/new media that you’re especially interested in?
Dave: It’s my long-term goal to become an Internet celebrity and make a living doing the thing I love the most, which is learning from others and having fun. But then, I think that’s everyone’s long-term goal. In the short-term, I hope to expand my knowledge of video and audio production for the web.
Thanks Dave for joining the team and thanks so much for all you’re already doing to keep the support going to our military.
[ Tags: Dave Huston, @DaveHuston, Twitter, New Media, Social Media, Public Relations, Intern, Military Support, Messages of Support, Troop Support, Moral Support, eMail The Military, eMailing Our Military, Mail Our Military, Mailing Our Military, Mailing The Military, Military Care Packages, Military eMail, Military Pen Pals, Armed Forces, Army, Soldiers, Navy, Sailors, Air Force, Airmen, Marine Corps, Marines, Coast Guard, Guardsmen, Patriotism, eMOM, eMail Our Military ]
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