It’s been a while since I had a chance to sit down and write a real blog post. Yet, here we are and I’ve got a month of milestones to share, and plenty of photos, too.
Leaving Mommy
April was a month of milestones. For starters, my babies went to Spring Break Camp where they got to spend 3 hours having fun with kids their age without mom nearby. Oh sure, in the beginning, it was rough since they’d never been away from me EVER (not with a babysitter or family) but after the crying, leg-holding, hysterics, and pleading were over – I sucked it up and the kids said I’d be ok.
Seriously though, Bella didn’t even say so much as a “buh bye” she couldn’t wait to go play. Rex, on the other hand, was a little more skeptical about this whole leaving him behind and coming back later thing but once he got through the first day he was fine and couldn’t wait to go back.
April’s State of Wellness
April also brought us our first hospital visit and hopefully our last. Both of the kids are doing fine. They had a second follow-up visit with their pediatrician on Tuesday and both received a clean bill of health. Bella wasn’t thrilled that she got two shots to catch her up on her vaccines (DTAP and IPOL) but she only cried for a split second and was over by the time she got a Hannah Montana sticker.

© DayngrZone
Movie Time Milestones
Speaking of, the Dayngrous Duo saw their first big kid movie (you know, one without animated characters in it) and if you guessed it was Hanna Montana’s new movie, you’d be right. I have to admit, I wanted to see it just as much as they did, and it was really cute. I had more fun watching them watch the movie than anything else.
After the movie, we went to Target and got the movie soundtrack so that marks yet another milestone – their first pop music CD. I think that also marks a milestone for me since that was the first Miley Cyrus CD I’ve ever purchased and somehow I already know it won’t be the last. (By the way, the CD is fantastic and I recommend it)
One more milestone for me, I am now the proud owner of a Miley Cyrus ringtone. Yes, I am – and the kids didn’t even have to beg. I thought it would be fun to watch them rock out every time the phone rings. (And it is!)
Where’d My Baby Go?
Bella doesn’t look like a baby anymore with those chubby cheeks she used to have. She’s getting taller and thinner and looks like such a big girl now. She matches her own clothes and complains if the window is down in the car because it messes up her hair. She takes after me a little too much.
Oh, and she talks – like a big girl. I waited forever and a day (she’ll be 4 in July) for her to talk and sure enough she was just taking her dear sweet time (and giving me premature grey hair). It’s the cutest thing too.
Memory to remember: She has trouble with some words like blueberry and blackberry and she calls them bluebaby and blackbaby. It’s the funniest thing! And when she says motorcycle it sounds like moto-type-pull. I love it though.
Biking Babies
Both of the Dayngrous Duo have bicycles now (with training wheels) and love to ride them every day. It took them all of five minutes to master riding even though they had never ridden before. They can also put their own straps on in the car now, too.
More Big Milestones
Two more huge milestones, Rex is now wearing underwear and is officially a big boy using the potty. (About time if you ask me!) and finally, he lost his first baby tooth on April 30th and the ToothFairy brought him a dollar. Now he’s trying to get the rest of the teeth to come out. It won’t be long before the one next to it is out since it’s barely hanging on.

© DayngrZone
My babies aren’t babies anymore and I’m pretty sure I’m feeling what just about every parent feels. It seems like they were just babies and it wasn’t that long ago I brought them home from the hospital in receiving blankets. Time has flown by and though I love that they are getting so big and so smart it is so bittersweet.
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